
Your next step starts here

A free and easy way for high schoolers to find their next educational opportunity.

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Figuring out what to do after high school just got way easier

Compare options and create a list that fits your goals

Discover colleges and other programs you’ll love without spending hours doom-scrolling forums or clunky college data sites

Get a clear plan to
stay organized and meet deadlines

Instantly know exactly what steps to take to turn your goals into reality—so you can move forward with confidence, not uncertainty

Feel confident you’re making the right choices for your future

Without second-guessing every step and decision—because you’ll know exactly why each option fits you and feel excited about what’s ahead

Which one sounds like you?

You’ve already spent hours researching, built 10 spreadsheets, and still have no clue what’s actually worth your time (or money).

Your “research” is just scrolling Instagram, bingeing YouTube dorm tours, and trusting random forum strangers—yet you’re still stuck.

You haven’t even started because it feels “too early” (or let’s be real, you have no f***ing idea where to begin).

No matter where you’re at, the outcome is probably the same: overwhelmed, confused, and afraid of making the wrong decision.

Good news, you can fix that fast with Loper.

How Loper works


Explore your interests

Loper helps you quickly figure out what you like (and don’t) in a fun and interactive way that helps you focus your search.


Get matched with schools and programs that fit your interests, then easily research and compare your options—all in one place.


Get a step-by-step plan with every deadline and requirement laid out—so you stay organized, on track, and motivated.

A tool for every step in your journey

From "Where do I even start?" to "Almost ready to hit submit," Loper’s got your back—making every step easier, smarter, and way less stressful.

Customize your profile

Share your academic profile and location preferences.

Define your criteria

Swipe through many interests to clarify preferences.

Take fun quizzes

Answer quick questions to make decisions easier.

Track your interests

Update your likes and dislikes as they evolve.

Get personal recommendations

Find options that match your interests and goals.

Research directly  in the app

Get key details: acceptance rates, test scores, program specifics.

Find schools instantly

Search 1,500+ colleges and programs to find what you want.

Access exclusive content

Watch videos and photos from real students about campus life.

Build your list

Save and organize your favorite programs in a structured list.

Manage applications

Your deadlines and application requirements are organized for you.

Organize your research

Compare programs, take notes, and rank your top choices within the app

Automate your outreach

Contact admissions offices and request more info directly from a school’s profile

So good, even the Type A students are impressed

“This is perfect, it explains anything I have questions about like what different campuses are like, what resources they could have, and so so much more.”
Zoe B
High School Junior
“Swiping through schools feels like a game, but it actually helps you figure things out. Love it.”
Rishiv R.
High School Sophomore
“Loper excels at asking essential but often overlooked questions about fit, school type, and important amenities, and it helps identify specific programs that are right for each student.”
Anisha M
High School Junior
“I absolutely love the swiping aspect and the questions in between them. It helps me think exactly what I would want in my college environment (plus what I don’t need as well).”
Kylee L
High School Senior
“Way better than just filling out forms. The swiping feature keeps things interactive and actually makes the whole process exciting.”
Aditya C
High School Senior
“It's legit fun to use this app versus the usual work to research colleges.”
High School Senior
“My favorite thing about Loper is the explore tab as it provides insightful and interesting content related to college/college admissions really quickly.”
Manvi T
High School Senior
“There are many things I barely considered when thinking about college such as campus hospitals, active alumni on campus, and the presence of seminar-style classes (which I had never even heard of before Loper)”
High School Senior
“Loper asks me questions and tailors it to give me specific colleges based on my preferences, which is really useful because it saves so much time on picking what colleges to choose...”
Fathema M
High School Junior

More free resources, yay!

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Find answers to common questions students have about exploring educational options after high school.

Is Loper free?

Yes! Loper is 100% free to use.

How do I get started?

Loper is available for download on iOS and Android. Simply download the app, create your account, set up your profile, and start exploring your post high-school options!

Does Loper work outside of the USA?

Yes, anyone can download the Loper app but Loper only features US-based institutions.

Does Loper have graduate school programs?

No. Currently, Loper only includes information on undergraduate programs.

How does Loper protect my data?

Loper has an explicit opt-in data sharing policy. It's the first question students answer when creating their account. Students can change their preferences at any time.

Still have questions?

Join our Discord community to chat directly with our team!

Ready to take the next step?

You’re just a few minutes away from feeling more confident about your future. Why wait?