Your teen's path to the right college starts here.
on iOS
forever free

It's all about fit

A student enjoying her phone

With thousands of options to choose from, its easy for your child to get lost in analysis paralysis. Or even worse - they’re too overwhelmed to start. Make the college search process engaging and low-stress for your high schooler.

With Loper, they’ll learn about a wide variety of college characteristics with swipes, matches, mini-quizzes, and more.

A loper screenshot

Encourage exploration

Loper's free phone app helps your child discover the type of college experience that suits them best.

Students can share their research and school matches with just a single tap, so you can stay up-to-date as their partner in the college search process

Portal report from Loper
Natalia, high school junior
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“My parents and I were so lost... now they’re thrilled because I’m actually taking time to think about what I want.”

Introduce your child to Loper

It takes just a few minutes for a student to set up a profile on Loper and start discovering their fit.

Check out our parent guide to help your child start using the app and share their research with you.

View the PDF
"This is the most engaged I've seen my students in school discovery"
Ashley, College Counselor at Mount Saint Michael Academy (New York)

What does Loper mean?

"Lope" means to move at a steady and sustainable pace. That's how Loper thinks about preparing for college: don't rush, but don't drag. Have fun while you move through your journey.

Learn more about Loper
A computer emoji
A computer emoji

Soon, you'll be able to see schools and prompts on your PC just like your high schooler does on their phone. Enter your email below to stay updated as we develop an online version of Loper.

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