The first step to find what’s next
A free and easy way for high schoolers to find their next educational opportunity.

Empowering high school students to plan for their future while enjoying the present

Explore many interests
Loper helps students sort through thousands of search criteria to figure out which ones matter most to them

Find the right opportunities
Loper personalizes the search, matching students with the colleges and other opportunities that fit their unique interests.

Build the perfect list
Students can explore in-depth profiles of colleges and programs, save their favorites and keep everything organized in one place.

Work smarter, not harder
Loper saves hours of work by narrowing options, organizing everything, and creating a custom application plan for each student.

For students and their biggest supporters
Loper makes post-high school planning suck less for everyone 😉
With so many options out there, it’s easy to feel stuck. Loper instantly matches you with colleges and programs that fit exactly what you’re looking for.
You want to help, but you also don’t want to be that parent. Loper lets your kid take the lead while making sure they’re actually on the right track. Win-win.
You’ve got too many students and not enough time. Loper gets them to actually engage with the college search so you can focus on helping instead of herding.
What are you waiting for?
Take the first step toward your future with Loper and find the programs that fit you best.