
And what's a celebration without prizes? When students find the right fit, everybody wins.

Sign up for success

Success includes

Free to enter. Swipe. Match. Celebrate. Repeat.
A screenshot of a Loper counselor portal

How it works

Earn prizes by having students connect to your free counselor portal on Loper. All it takes is a single tap for them to share their entire school search with you. Then, you can use their exploration to help them take the right next step for their education.

Don't have a portal yet? Click below to sign up.

Get a portal

Loper is a search app for Gen Z

Our student following calls us the "dating app for college" and we embrace it proudly. Finding the right program is like matchmaking, and we're on a mission to help a student discover their fit. Our free phone app helps students find the fun in defining their path across the full suite of post-secondary programs.

A screenshot of a Loper prompt

Discover hundreds of interests

Loper doesn't stop at the basics of geography, size, cost, and academic program. Students swipe on hundreds of 'prompts' to create a holistic program search. From the get-go Loper makes it easy for students to prioritize their criteria and define their ideal institution.

A screenshot of a Loper match

Gamify school assessment

Loper pulls from thousands of institutions to present matches to the user. Personalized badges show students why they matched with a given institution. Help students see past name-brand with hidden matches so they can focus first on fit.

Share with a single tap

A student can send their counselor (or parent) a comprehensive school search report with a single tap. As stakeholders dig deeper into their caseload's fit, they climb the ladders of Loper's success program.

portal users
forever free


Loper's college search app is built to meet the modern high school student where they are. Every student deserves to find their best-fit institution, and Loper's mission is to help them explore their options. All students create and control their own accounts from their mobile device and opt into sharing their information with educational institutions, including you as their counselor.

Learn more about the details of our success program below. If you've already created your portal, just enter your email address to register, and we will follow up with materials you can use to share the platform with your students. If you haven't yet created a portal, sign up.
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    You have to sign up for Loper's portal to be in the success program. Click here if you haven't.

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    Enter your email to participate in Loper's success program.

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    If you've created a portal, we'll follow up with the program details!

Register your school

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