Loper counselor portal screenshot
Loper counselor portal screenshot
Loper counselor portal screenshot
Loper counselor portal screenshot

Meet students where they are

Loper's free counselor portal supports the changing interests of your Gen Z students.

Join hundreds of counselors using Loper in the classroom to empower students towards their best-fit post-secondary program.

Sign up

Sign up for a portal

Loper's portal is free for high schools, community-based organizations, and more. Tap into the aspirations of your students by easily accessing their institutional fit factors.

Tell us a bit more about your institution, and we'll follow up with details to get you set up.

Enter "N/A" if your organization does not have one
Enter the email addresses of any counseling colleagues you'd like to access your organization's portal.
Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
If someone referred you to Loper's counselor portal, please enter their name so we can thank them!
Thanks for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox for more details.
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Trusted by

Hundreds of schools, CBOs, and private counselors use Loper to support their caseloads with institutional discovery.